Reed's comic. Silly, amusing, and downright enjoyable. An inventor (Chris), a cynic (Binky), and a cat (Tiki) who is determined to take over the world and rule with with her fluffy kitty fists of iron. Ah...joy.
(Currently on hiatus.)
Dark Artist's comic. Involves magic boys, dragon boys, red-haired sword wielding boys, chocolate, and an evil villain of superior caliber. Fantasy comic.
(Updates whenever.)
The best use of infinite canvas I have ever witnessed. A story about the woods, and the nightmares that inhabit them. And Bolo is just cute.
(Updates Whenever)
Alaskan adventures of the humorous variety.
(Updates Daily)
A fantasy/reality, comic. One group wishes to save the world, the other group wishes to take it over/destroy it. However the group that wants to save the world? They've got Julian. They're screwed.
(On hiatus and has been for almost a year.) |